
The Summer Learning Journeys Health and PE task was easy for me, but not really for my sister. We had to take a video of ourselves juggling, but I wanted by sister to do it with me. The first video is just her secretly videoing her practise. What she dosent know is that I liked the video so much it´s on my blog. Heres a link to a video of a man that is a legend at juggling. He´s so great, at one point I find that it looks like hes trying to climb an endless ladder, when hes actually just skillfully juggling! I have always wanted to learn how to juggle, but so far I can only do it with two balls, but I still slip up most of the time! When I videoed me and my sister juggling, I hadn´t realised she bareley knew how to juggle, my greatest surprise was that she had never juggled before we filmed that video! Great way to get people to do things they have never done before! I hope you like both of the videos.


One thought on “Juggling

  1. Good Evening Molly,

    Thank you for sharing the link to the video of the legendary juggler – it blew my mind. I can only imagine how many hours and days he has spent practicing to be that good.

    You wrote a great reflection along with your video. Its such a great skill to reflect on your own activities. I read a book recently call ‘You are Awesome’ – it is such a wonderful read about a boy who wasn’t great at table tennis but kept on practicing and became an olympic table tennis player. His name is Matthew Syed. Have you heard of the book before ?

    I hope you keep up the practice if juggling is something you want to get better at. Shout out to your sister too for giving it a go for her first time on camera 🙂

    Ngā mihi

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